Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You've heard about the truck...

now what about the duck?!

Portland 2008: Day Three (and four-the finale)

Sorry I'm a bit late on this...

So, Angus did NOT sleep in the car first thing on the morning of day three so that made for an interesting trip to the zoo. It involved a lot of falling down, whimpering and whining, but overall it was a good time. :)

So the Oregon Zoo is pretty awesome. At first we didn't see any animals which might be disappointing to some but it helped me feel better about being at the zoo, like the animals had their privacy if they wanted it. We saw some bear poop straight away, that was exciting!

Angus points at a waterfall...

Poppa points at some fake rubber salmon that are "swimming" upstream...

Getting a closer look!

The layout of the zoo was great, very windy (that is supposed to say whine-dee, not wihn-di) and green, with an occasional hollowed out log for fun!

Being cute on a tractor. :)

and then a horse...

How do YOU measure up?

Oh, hello baaaabeee! says the Polar bear

The picture involves Rod telling me when he can't get closer to pose for the picture because the giant growling t-rex is scary.

this is the proof that he wasn't exaggerating.


Waiting for the train

Seeing the train

Cute graffiti on the train (not by us)

Tantrum on the train

Choo choo!

Curious cuteness on the train

So... after lunch at the zoo Poppa went back to the hotel for his phone interview and Angus and I drove around looking at neighborhoods (well, he slept... I drove). Then when Poppa was done we drove out to meet our friend who live about an hour away in the Columbia Gorge at a delightful place called Hood River (Windsurfing--and now kiteboarding--capital of the world).

Sarah (June Jelly Bean Momma), David (Google employee/husband), Charlie (awesome 8 year old), and Amelia Badelia (Angus' playmate) took us to get some sandwiches and we headed to the beach. I didn't take many pictures because we were just having too much fun, but here a couple to prove we were there.

From left to right the butts belong to Charlie, Amelia, and Angus

Is that Oreo or sand on his face? We'll never tell!

Day Four was strictly a travel day... I don't think I took a single picture. Some great things happened on this trip:

1. Angus discovered that him and rod are the "same" as in... both BOYS! tee hee!
2. We visited a beautiful area of the country where people really care about their community, it's quite refreshing.
3. Angus started referring to his pacifier as "bonka." This is our first official family word. We hope it will spread far and wide.
4. Angus was able to develop his love of transportation, practicing old words like bus and truck, and adding new words like tractor! If it's big and loud, he likes it!
3. Rod had a great interview with a great company. Yep, that's right. Before we left home Rod applied for a job in Portland on a whim. It seemed perfect for him but we didn't know how quickly we would be at the verge of a big life change. The job pays great, is for a large Animation studio (think: california raisins, the noid, and nightmare before xmas!) in Portland, and the job is perfect for Rod (manager of their editorial department). So, we don't know exactly how this will go... but well... I'll keep you posted.'

Oh wait, I did take a movie... enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Portland 2008: Day Two

Today started out pretty much the same as yesterday (for Angus at least)

We went to Vancouver first thing but didn't take any pictures because... well... it just wasn't that great. We turned around quickly and headed back to the airport to part ways with Anna and pick up our rental car. We drove around a bit with no goals in particular and stopped at Burgerville for lunch.

Burgerville is an OR/WA thing and ALL their ingredients are local and sustainable and ALL their paper and plastic products are recycled and compostable. Seriously EVERYTHING in Portland is "Green."

Their menu changes with the seasons too, so Angus and I shared a fresh Oregon Blackberry milkshake. yum!

So... then... we did more driving (surprise!) but we stopped a couple of times to see the sights (mainly trucks, busses, and trains)

We headed to the coast and visited the Tilamook Creamery (cheese, fudge, and butter factory)

that's cheese... and this next one is cheese on the move!

Angus was not too thrilled with the Cheese Factory experience

Until... we got to the cafe where we ate, yep... you guessed, it Grilled cheese sandwich! yum!

While at the coast we also stopped at Blue Heron French Cheese farm for the petting zoo! (warning, severe cuteness is about to follow)

this rooster saw rod with the camera and actually posed!

We continued on to the Ocean where we found this lovely reminder that we are all at risk of death at any moment

A rare picture of (gasp!) me appears on the blog... this will be a collector's item people!

So... the Oregon coast. Pretty phenomenally pretty. I wasn't expecting to see any beach, but we found one, and went on it!

(this picture contains authentic frolicking)

(this one too)

Angus was really happy to be there... maybe just happy to be out of the car? Either way, it looked like the kid actually liked the beach. (gasp! there have been a lot of those... i know)

(more authentic frolicking of a different variety)

(there too)

There was a creepy cave at one end of the beach so of course we headed that way... not my idea.

It went through the cliff.

Here's the other side of the cliff (what Rod was looking at)

We headed back right away.
and made it out alive (no tsunami yet)

Oh look, there's me again!

We are having a great time... it really makes Rod and I look forwad to when Angus is able to participate even more (like someday he might care that we are at a cheese factory!)

by the way, you can see all of the pictures we have taken (including those that didn't make the blog cut) here:

okay... i have to put my baby to bed now. it's 11 and he is whining because he can't play with the outlet and clock radio plug.