Sunday, August 24, 2008

Portland 2008: Getting There

Our flight from LAX to PDX couldn't have been any easier... when I approached the counter at the gate the staff was friendly and I easily acquired a (free!) seat for Angus & his carseat.

We boarded early and he sat in his seat staring out the window most of the time. He started to get a bit antsy just before takeoff and we took him out of the seat and read a story. Then he laid his head down and started to settle in... and then he kept pointing to his seat! I asked him if he wanted to sit in his seat and he nodded, which of course I responded to with "are you sure?" and he nodded again!

Here he is waiting to take off and giving a classic (I'm smiling) pose:

Somewhere between 10K and 40K feet he fell asleep! just like that!

(look how cute he is with his little "earplanes" in! :)

He slept the whole way...

and only started to squirm just before the descent, so he slept in my lap until we hit ground. He was startled awake by the touchdown and was not completely thrilled with his new toy (it shakes violently and sings "get the sillies out, get the sillies out, get the sillies out, cause that's what its about!")

but then he remembered it was a good time (note the smirk behind the bink)

Anna (Rod's friend from long ago who lives in Boise now) picked us up at the airport and drove us to the hotel... I know all these pictures look the same, but here is Angus wondering why he is still in this darn seat!

1 comment:

Jen Graham said...

LOVE the smirk. I am sooo glad you got a seat for his car seat. Next time I am flying out on a Saturday night!