Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, baby boy... you are a new person every day. I would have to blog at least 4 times a day to keep up, but let's see if I can go back in time and recall some things that really flipped my lid (in a good way, if that's possible...)

5/16/09: i feel like you've been putting words into groups we call sentences for a while now, but this day, at the duck-a-thon at the HB Pier you call to your friend Kehlan by name "Kehlan, let's go ocean!" I nearly died of pride. :)

5/26/09: at dinner your lita asks you what you saw at Sea World (it was 3 days earlier) and you say "buihds" (birds). It's the first time I can recall you answering a question (other than yes or no) without prompting or help finding the words. All of a sudden we can have conversations... I ask you something, you answer, then you ask me something! I can even ask you what you want to eat (usually it's yogurt...)

5/29/09: Now... when we do ask you something and you don't have an answer... know what you do? you say "um" it's adorable.

5/31/09: After a group of people come over for dinner, some of whom you have never met, you break into a spontaneous rendition of "Happ Bertay doyoo" on your own accord. Clearly, this is what people do after dinner with a group of strangers, right?

6/1/09: You love to watch "da oashen" (Planet Earth on Discovery) and today you noticed a waterfall. "wow. that's a big wa-wa" and then for extra effect you turn to your tata and tell him again, "Tata, that's a big wa wa" You're so conversational these days! I love it!

Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

We honored the holiday by heading off on an impromptu family vacation last weeked to the San Diego area. We've been to Sea World enough times that you don't really NEED to see any more pictures, but... here's a gem for you anyway!
and I must brag a bit about my super awesome baby man child. He totally tackled this climbing net with very little assistance... it was like 3 stories high! Wow! (and note... in this first picture the photographer is above the climbers... that means I climbed too! We're all so fit now...)
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Toddler POV

Angus has recently become interested in the camera (it started when he realized he could look at tiny pictures and videos of himself on the go... who doesn't love that?). He's quite the shutterbug, here are his first shots. Does he have a future in this?

I think this one says he most certainly does!!!!
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Happy Mother's Day!

what a fine, fine sight. :)
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Waldorfing It

So, because we have great friends like Caitlyn & Kehlan we learn about all sorts of exciting community events... We went to a May Day Festival at the local Waldorf school and they had a maypole (see look... Angus is pointing at it)
and Angus had a blast at the bean bag toss!
and bubble station!
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Backseat Antics

one day I hear from the backseat in a muffled voice, "two! momma! two!"

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