Friday, September 19, 2008

He Speaks!

So, Angus has been "saying" many words for quite some time now... but now he talks for real. Three words, clear as day, without absolute intent and appropriate use:

1. No
2. Hi
3. Bye

I'm not talking baby talk here, people. This is not Nuh, Hah, and Buh... This is No, Hi, and Bye. He is ready to be a world traveler, no three words are more efficient than those.

Inspired by another momma's blog I thought it would be fun to list the things Angus does say (or has said) that probably only I can hear:

4. Ball
5. Truck
6. Fire (as in, fire truck)
7. Helicopter
8,9,&10. Here you go
11,12,&13. What is this?
14. Dog
15. Helicopter
16. Momma
17. Poppa
18. Tata
19. Bonka
20. Vroom!
21. Up
22. Down
23. Out
24. Gigi
25. Cracker
26. More
27. Book
28. Thank you
29. Shoe
30,31,&32. Where did it go?
33. Box
34. Block
35. Weeeeeee!
36. Slide
37. Plane
38. Bus
39. Tractor
40. Uh-oh
41. Cup
42. S-h-i-t
43. Go
44. Duck
45. banana


Anonymous said...

Kate that is beyod cute all of the words he is saying now(even if you are the only one that can understand. Oh and I love that he says tata

Linda said...

Awww! I'm in awe that he can say 'helicopter'. hehe! Too cute! Cadi does mostly signs, but she can say 'sssssssss' like a snake when she wants to say yes. ;o)

heathers243 said...

LOL! Helicopter is a new one on our list too. It sounds like "hel-ti-to-ter"