Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I have fond memories...

of a time before Angus could say "momma"

He only started doing it recently, and prior to that time I longed to hear my "name" come from his mouth in a meaningful way. For a week or so, it was like music to my ears.

Today, my son learned how to stop making music with that instrument and beat me over the head with it.

At dinner he became very frustrated, very quickly when he was done and I wasn't moving fast enough to get him out of his seat. Through his whines I reminded him to say "please" and he began to scream. The wordless screams quickly morphed into load moaning proclamations "momma! MOMMA! MAMAAAAAA mmaaaama..." Every time he took a breath I choked through the emotional pain and reminded him to say "please"

It took a few minutes but wails eventually changed from "momma" to "beez" and he was freed from the chair.

The whole thing probably lasted all of 3 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

Mark your calendar, this is the first official moment in which I am reminiscing about a baby who was more baby than child.


Jen Graham said...

His verbal skills are awesome. We had a battle of wills today too.

Our Family Stories said...

You wanna switch to help remind you of those early days? He only wakes every 2 hours...