Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dear Nana & Papo (Day 4),

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Whew... thank goodness Saturday is over and I am sleeping soundly in my crib!

I woke up at a decent hour this morning and got straight to playing. We are out of eggs so Momma made me oats for breakfast (pffft!) and I ate all of them. As per usual, I got pretty bored and pretty weepy pretty fast. Momma & Poppa were planning to go to Orange to pick up your car (Tio Benito left it there when he picked up his car from Quick's on Friday evening) and Momma decided to see if AC wanted to babysit me so her and Poppa could go to a movie.

I slept a little bit on the way to AC's and I was pretty shy when we first arrived. They bribed me with a cookie and I said goodbye to Momma & Poppa without so much as a peep. Once they left, however, I howled and screamed and made crocodile tears and repeatedly pointed at the door. AC took me outside to show me that we had gone and tell me that they were coming back when that old lady neighbor came over to see why I was crying. She was scary and I decided that compared to her, being with AC was not so bad! I played with Kerri and Thomas and Ash and they all took great care of me.

Momma & Poppa came back and we went to the carwash--good show! Then we headed home and I fell asleep in the car. I stayed asleep and we all took a family nap until 4:00 p.m. I woke up happy and we headed out to Home Depot.

There, I had my first, real public tantrum. I wanted to climb up the orange, steel employee stairs/ladder and Momma wouldn't let me get past the 3rd step. I threw myself on the floor, grabbed my head and screamed as loudly as I could. Poppa distracted me by putting me in a stack of those orange buckets. I was so cute I forgot I was mad.

We stopped at CVS next to get Momma some Ace bandages for her knee and I realized that I was starving. I started screaming so Momma & Poppa would know too. We ended up eating dinner at Steve's Charburger where Poppa used to hang out when he was a teenager. There were other teenagers there... they were fascinating, cursing on their cell phones, flirting with the older male workers (yuck!). Momma says we will not be returning.

After dinner we went to the park and I showed Momma and Poppa how much I have learned in my new class. I climbed up the playground steps myself (without having to be reminded to use them instead of the slide to get up), walked to the slide, sat on my bottom, and pushed myself off and slid down. I did it over and over and over until I was exhausted.

Then bath, then bed. Now Momma & Poppa are exhausted. Love and miss you!


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