Friday, July 10, 2009

you are two

you speak in complete sentences... you have for a while, but your favorite is "no, i don't" in response to "angus do you want _______?" you say it in such a matter of fact way, you sound so rude... but it is so cute too.

you've been to the movies... twice. To see Up.

you sleep most of the night in your own bed in your own room in our new home which you love.

you recently discovered babe, the pig... only you call him/her "gabe" and tell me you love "gabe" frequently. at the OC fair today you "aink"ed at the pigs and were frustrated when they didn't return your mating call.

we're looking for a new preschool for you... and it's a rough road, not many people understand that two year olds don't need an academic curriculum and will learn best when given the freedom to explore and discover all on their own. we'll keep looking.

you're gorgeous... you haven't gotten your hair cut since that first time and i don't think you will for a long time again... because those curls are just to die for.

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here you are very excited about the happy graduation song sung by the staff at bubba gump's shrimp for Skyler's grad dinner... it was your birthday though, so you thought it was all about you (oh wait, it is!)

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