Friday, August 14, 2009

Take the Leap

There are some times in life where you have to leave what you know behind and take the leap having faith that there is something more. Angus did that this week. A fan of jumping for a month or so now, he always requested assistance in the form of hand holding to ensure he always stuck the landing. This past weekend first to my horror then amusement and amazement he took a leap off the ottoman onto the floor and didn't even come close to sticking the landing but decided it didn't hurt enough to warrant not enjoying the rush.

So he did it again and again and again
and eventually stuck it!


the one reason I wish I blogged more is because this is my only written record of Angus' life... and so much has happened that I can't recall. I gotta setup mobile posting and just text everything as it happens. That'll go on my to-do list.

We're doing okay after our leap too. The leap back into adulthood. There are many stressors involved in being 100% independent financially... but it feels good too. We're working on maintaining a strong, healthy family... lots of talking about feelings happening here. So if you don't like it, go away.


Until next time!
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